02 – Feature

1st. Lauryn Allen / Boston University

Supporters of Senator Ed Markey stand in the rain at a campaign event in Hyannis, Massachusetts on Aug. 27, 2020.

2nd. Campbell Zachara / Boston University

Three rowers take to the Charles River as the sun rises on an October morning.

3rd. Lauryn Allen / Boston University

A person uses binoculars to watch people at a Black Lives Matter protest outside the Massachusetts Statehouse from her window on May 29, 2020.

HM1. Benjamin Braun / Rochester Institute of Technology

Akapel Cornelius plays with his daughter Penelope (5) after a Black Lives Matter march In Worcester, MA congregates in front of City Hall for an open mic on June 6, 2020. Akapel commented; “I heard people talk about a bunch of righteous things, so at one point I said some things as well”.

HM2. Lauryn Allen / Boston University

A chipmunk holding a helicopter seed is illuminated by a ray of light shining through a walkway in Brookline, Massachusetts’ Hall’s Pond Sanctuary.