1st. Billie Weiss, Boston Red Sox/Freelance Andrew Benintendi #16 of the Boston Red Sox poses for a portrait inside the Green Monster before a game against the Tampa Bay Rays on July 30, 2019 at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts.
2nd. Erin Clark, The Boston Globe BOSTON, MA – 06/19/2019 Asha Janay pose, left, and Tusneem Abuhasan pose for a portrait in the Isabelle Gardner Museum. Both women were children during 9/11 and are now adults living in the most anti-Muslim times since 9/11.
3rd. Craig Walker, The Boston Globe March 08, 2019: – Carol Price sits for a portrait with memories of her son, Kendric Price, at her home in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Mass., United States. Kendric Price, 32, was killed down the street from the house where he grew up and where his mother still lives. The apartment where he was shot to death was known as an unlicensed club or party spot. Price replays their last dinner together in her mind. It was Friday night. Her son’s future seemed so clear – a sun rising high into the sky. She cooked him sautéed chicken with onions, green peppers, rice, broccoli, and cheese. Hours later, she awoke to a phone call. Something had happened down the street. When she arrived on the scene, she told a detective what her boy had been wearing. The detective said, “I’m not gonna tell you for a fact that that’s your son,” Price recalled, but she knew. She returned home and thought; “Maybe what I’m feeling isn’t real. Maybe they are going to call and say it’s all a mistake, it’s not Kendric after all, Kendric is alive and you are whole.” But they called, and it was him.
Honorable Mention 1. Suzanne Kreiter, The Boston Globe Bill Lee is the attorney who led the Harvard Admissions case. He is reflected in his State Street office window while holding the good luck chestnut he kept in his pocket during the trial.
Honorable Mention 2. Spenser Hasak, The Daily Item Nahant sculptor Reno Pisano sits in his studio with his sculpture of Frederick Douglass, which will be the centerpiece of a planned park at Exchange and Union Streets in Lynn, and other works in progress.