1st. David Goldman / Associated Press Nelia Fedorova, left, is embraced by her daughter, Yelyzaveta Gavenko, 11, the day after they were wounded in a rocket attack which also killed Fedorova’s husband, Oleksii, in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. The family had previously evacuated to central Ukraine but returned to their home at the end of June after Nelia and Oleksii had trouble finding work. Nelia is willing to leave for good this time but must wait for her father-in-law to be released from the hospital after sustaining injuries as well in the attack. “He’s all we have now,” she said. The strike killed three people and wounded 13 others, according to the mayor. The attack came less than a day after 11 other rockets were fired at the city as Russia’s invasion continues.
2nd. Faith Ninivaggi / Freelance JANUARY 12, 2022, Boston, MA- Portrait of Cathy Guild, 32 in her home. It’s been 25 years since Guild completed Dimock’s detox program and started individual psychotherapy sessions to address her mental health conditions, which began as a young adult. “Growing up I always thought I was too skinny, too ethnic-looking, too dark. I grew up in the projects and was bused to a school in the suburbs. It was not easy. I got made fun of a lot, so my confidence was not great.” “I was an easy candidate to use drugs because my only goal was to get out of school. Drugs became my goal during that season of my life. Drugs became my escape.”
3rd. Pat Greenhouse / The Boston Globe Casey O’Donohoe prepares to knock one out of the park, in his Melrose backyard. The 3-year-old, diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia nine months earlier, has been named a Walk Hero for the upcoming Jimmy Fund Walk. He and his family will be part of “Mayor Casey’s Crew.” He is photographed on September 28, 2022. While their goal was to raise $5,000 to support the work at the Jimmy Fund Clinic, they brought in $14,170.
HM. Stephanie Mitchell / Harvard Gazette Barbara and George Whitesides share a moment in their Newton home. Barbara, a writer, editor, and professor of English, and George, a chemist and professor of chemistry, are pictured in his home office. At the age of 83, George received the 2022 Kavli Prize in recognition of his contributions to the field of nanoscience.
HM. Faith Ninivaggi / Freelance February 28, 2022, Dedham, MA- Stephanie Hansbury, 37 a mom of two, was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer that led to a double mastectomy and a series of chemotherapy appointments, endured alone due to COVID protocols. Due to the experience Hansbury suffered from major depression. After being prescribed and adjusting to an antidepressant she is able to accept the life changes she endured. “I’m feeling a lot better. I think it took a while for the magnitude of what I had been through to register and for me to realize after my cancer diagnosis and treatment that I was not going to be the same person. I was not just going to put it behind me. This is a part of me now.”
HM. John Tlumacki / The Boston Globe Mashpee 11/3/22 World War 2 Army veteran Chief Vernon ’Silent Drum’ Lopez, age 100, stands in the his backyard sanctuary. Lopez stormed the beaches of Normandy, France during the massive invasion of D-Day on June 6, 1944. He wears a headdress made from wild turkey feathers. Lopez is the Chief of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe since 1998.