Page 21 2019 Cover Back.pdf Full Version
                                 Third Place
Mark Garfifinkel, Boston Herald
A driver abandons her car on Moore St., at Shirley St., after driving through during the height of today’s high tide.
 Honorable Mention
Nicolaus Czarnecki, Boston Herald
May 30, 2018, Marilyn Abad lowers her 3-year-old son Alexander from a third-story window down to Boston fifirefifighter Patrick Callahan in a desperate effort to escape the fifire as crews work quickly to extinguish a two-alarm blaze on Woodward Street on May 30, 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts.
2018 Spot News
 Honorable Mention
Faith Ninivaggi, Boston Herald
March 2, 2018 Quincy, MA An unidentifified man takes a baby from fifirst responders after the child and woman were rescued from Sea Street. The rising tide and nor’easter wreaked havoc on the Houghs Neck area causing fifirst responders to rescue residents from flflooded homes.
the news photographer | 2019
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